Thursday, 28 December 2017

The Data Science of Predicting Disk Drive Failures

With the expanding volume of information in the digital universe and the increasing number of disk drives required to store that information, disk drive reliability prediction is imperative for EMC and EMC customers. Figure 1- An illustration of the information expansion in the last years and expected growth...

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Build a Last Line of Defense Against Cyber Attacks

Channel partners looking for new revenue sources should consider qualifying to sell the Dell EMC Isolated Recovery solution. It’s the last line of data protection defense for your customers against cyber attacks that could deal their businesses a devastating blow if an attack corrupted or compromised their mission-critical...

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Future-Proof Storage Programs – Know the Facts!

With our newly expanded Future-Proof Storage Loyalty Program Dell EMC continues to raise the bar across the industry.  The Dell EMC Future-Proof Storage Loyalty Program gives customers additional peace of mind with guaranteed satisfaction and investment protection for future technology changes. This program not only provides longer coverage...

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Enterprise Integration Portal for One-Stop Tracking of Business Transactions

Tracking integrated business and service transactions across multiple IT systems is important in today’s fast-moving business climate. Being able to track them across two major IT companies (Dell and EMC) that recently merged to form Dell Technologies, one of the largest technology companies in the world, is absolutely...

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Driving the Next-Generation Sales Solution on SAP HANA

As EMC IT remains focused on its IT Transformation journey, we continue to take calculated risks in emerging technologies and adopt bleeding-edge solutions — but not without bumps along the way. However, we have found that leveraging a strong partnership with a trusted supplier is a crucial strategy...

Thursday, 14 December 2017

The Analytics Journey Leading to the Business Data Lake

More than ever, businesses see their futures tied to their ability to harness the explosive growth in data. You may even be familiar with the Business Data Lake concept—a central repository of vast information which can be used across an enterprise to drive all business intelligence, advanced analytics...

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

The Power of Self-Service Big Data

From using analytics to predict how our storage arrays will perform in the field, to engineering product configurations to best meet customers’ future needs, EMC is just beginning to tap into the gold mine of intelligence waiting to be extracted from our new data lake. In fact, we...

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Building a Software Defined Data Center: Automation, Orchestration and Agility

Despite the emergence of IT as a Service and the rise of self-service catalogues, most IT operations—including EMC’s—have remained largely manual when it comes to filling users’ requests for networking, storage and compute, struggling to keep pace with growing demand. Until now, that is. EMC IT is in...

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Data Science Lessons: Insights from an Agricultural Proof of Concept

Agriculture has come a long way from ancient times through the industrial revolution to the current digital era. In 2017, modern agricultural organizations have access to increasingly large amounts of data collected by sensors from soil quality measurements, weather sensors, GPS guided machinery, and more. According to a...

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