Thursday 6 June 2024

Accelerating Your Digital Transformation with IT-as-a-Service

Accelerating Your Digital Transformation with IT-as-a-Service

Across industries and geographies, ongoing technology investments are required to remain competitive. Technology is the fuel that powers business, providing speed, agility and scalability and enabling organizations to develop a stronger future.

IT leaders recognize this fact yet worry about keeping pace. A recent IDC study finds that 69% of IT leaders worldwide are extremely concerned about the growing amount of technology investments needed to remain resilient and competitive.

That same IDC study reveals that Dell APEX Pay-per-Use solutions answer this growing concern—and do so profitably. IDC talked with Dell APEX Pay-per-Use customers to find out the real and quantified outcomes that these solutions deliver. On average, Dell APEX adopters achieve an estimated 194% three-year ROI with breakeven on investment after eight months.

Reducing the Cost of Operations

IDC calculated the three-year ROI based on input from organizations using Dell APEX Pay-per-Use solutions for compute, storage and data protection. Organizations realized a 35% savings in operational costs over a three-year horizon.

Accelerating Your Digital Transformation with IT-as-a-Service

These operational savings stem from achieving infrastructure cost optimization and increased staff productivity in several areas:

Infrastructure cost optimization

◉ 31% lower compute costs
◉ 22% lower storage costs
◉ 31% lower data protection costs

Increased staff productivity

◉ 51% more overall efficiencies
◉ 96% more time for innovation

Operational savings of this magnitude are significant. Beyond the financial metrics, Dell APEX Pay-per-Use solutions enable other business capabilities that support higher-order outcomes for organizations. 

“With Dell APEX, we just pay as we grow but also reduce that as we shrink. It’s been fundamental in the growth of our business unit, and we simply couldn’t have done it any other way,” shared one Dell APEX Pay-per-Use customer.

Gaining Business Speed and Agility

After adopting Dell APEX Pay-per-Use solutions, study participants report gains in agility, performance and scalability. As organizations undergo digital transformations, the ultimate payoff is improved business outcomes. For Dell APEX Pay-per-Use customers, the simplicity, agility and control provided by Dell APEX solutions underpin better business results.

Enhanced business results begin with speed. In the IDC study, users report deployments that are 60% faster for new hyperconverged/compute capacity and 67% faster for new storage resources. These speed enhancements provide newfound agility to organizations.

With this agility, organizations gain new capabilities to meet emerging market demands and stay competitive. IDC found that Dell APEX customers report $9.21 million higher revenue per organization per year while simultaneously achieving 91% less unplanned downtime.

“The most significant benefit of Dell APEX is being able to undertake this incredible digital transformation journey because it gives us access to things we did not have before and that will eventually provide the customer experience that is now being demanded by our industry,” commented one Dell APEX Pay-per-Use customer.

Accelerating Development

Dell APEX users also accelerate product development, to ensure ongoing innovations align with the pace of the market, meet customer demands and keep businesses viable. By using Dell APEX Pay-per-Use solutions, IDC found that organizations improve development team productivity by 16% and accelerate development lifecycles by 16%.

“Previously, we couldn’t scale sufficiently to meet our schedules, which meant that time to revenue was extended by that amount of time, and it’s created a significant delay in getting revenue. So, you can imagine the value we get with Dell APEX always being able to stay on schedule. … It has had clear benefits to the organization,” stated a Dell APEX Pay-per-Use customer.

Staying Ahead of Customer Needs

IT must relentlessly improve to anticipate and meet emerging market needs. That continuous improvement is effectively managed with a flexible, consumption-based model that can shift alongside market demands and do so quickly. Dell APEX Pay-per-Use customers report the solution’s capacity-on-demand is vital to staying “at the ready” and continually meeting customer needs. By adopting Dell APEX Pay-per-Use solutions today, these organizations are fueling a stronger tomorrow and for the foreseeable future.

“A consumption-based model through the Dell APEX Data Center Utility agreement is fantastic because it gives us access to capacity on demand without having to make significant capital outlays, which just wouldn’t be doable. What Dell APEX Data Center Utility has enabled for us as a new business unit is to build out capacity well in advance of demands from our customers,” shared a Dell APEX Pay-per-Use customer.


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