Friday 22 December 2023

Boost Efficiency and Update Your VxRail for Modern Demands

Boost Efficiency and Update Your VxRail for Modern Demands

In the fast-paced realm of technology, where progress is measured in leaps rather than steps, the adage “out with the old, in with the new” echoes louder than ever. It’s not just a catchphrase; it’s a battle cry for businesses navigating IT transformation. And the need to refresh outdated technology infrastructure is not merely a choice—it’s a strategic imperative.

To support these imperatives, Dell Technologies is continuously upgrading our flagship HCI offering, VxRail. We recently introduced two new VxRail platforms built on the latest PowerEdge and 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors. Today, we’re further expanding our portfolio with all NVMe nodes supporting VMware vSAN Express Storage Architecture (ESA), making VxRail a game changer in terms of density, performance and cost efficiency.

Unmatched Performance for Complex Workload Management

Why does this matter? It’s not just about refreshing the old; it’s about unlocking new possibilities in IT modernization. The new VxRail platform offers a 40% increase in cores, 50% faster memory using DDR5 and doubles the throughput via PCIe Gen5. These enhancements empower businesses to efficiently manage and process complex workloads, including big data analytics and high-end computational tasks.

Easily Embrace AI with VxRail

AI remains the talk of the town. With Intel’s 4th Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors and built-in Intel AMX accelerator, VxRail takes AI to a whole new level. While many AI applications require GPUs, the Intel AMX accelerator allows some AI workloads to run on the CPU instead of offloading them to dedicated GPUs, delivering a 3.1x boost in image classification inferencing and a 3.7x improvement for natural language processing (NLP) inferencing. Eliminating the need for GPUs lowers overall infrastructure costs, and better yet, the functionality is supported out of the box with automated lifecycle management as part of the normal VxRail HCI System Software LCM process.

Resource Optimization and Cost-Effective Operations

VxRail with high-density NVMe storage and VMware vSAN ESA also optimizes power and spatial efficiency, yielding more cost-effective operations. There’s a perception that systems with all NVMe are costly. The reality is the optimizations result in capacity and resilience improvements that more than compensates for the initial cost—up to 14% lower cost per TB (raw) and up to 34% lower cost per TBu (usable). Now picture a 3.6x increase in usable storage and a 2.5x increase in VM per host capacity. That’s not only an improvement, but it’s also an investment in your business’s future success.

More Operational Benefits in CloudIQ for VxRail

With intelligent health and sustainability observability, analytics, forecasting and intelligent multisystem/multisite LCM, CloudIQ is your VxRail tech-savvy sidekick. And now, you can do more with CloudIQ with new features like performance anomaly detection, data processing unit and multisite stretched cluster inventory metadata, service request tracking and observability in the CloudIQ mobile app for Android users (iOS to follow).

No Better Time to Refresh

Technology is evolving across all industries, and for early adopters of VxRail, the latest generation opens up a world of possibilities. Run more workloads with fewer nodes, reduce your infrastructure and carbon footprint and adapt to market demands seamlessly.


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