Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Stay Ahead: Deliver Flexible and Sustainable IT Lifecycle Execution

Businesses are constantly seeking ways to push IT performance boundaries and improve operations. The more efficient the business can operate, the more productivity the organization can achieve. To accelerate growth, organizations look to information technology to improve performance.According to IDC research, 59% of organizations are focused on reducing...

Sunday, 27 March 2022

Be a Superhero with Multi-cloud Management

There was a time when all superheroes belonged to two camps, either DC or Marvel. Batman, Hulk, Superman, Thor, and Spider-man, to name a few, all belonged to the comic universe of these two publishers.A similar scenario played out in the IT world in the past decade. There...

Saturday, 26 March 2022

Cache in with PowerEdge and AMD EPYC

With the amount of data being produced and collected, critical product design and digital manufacturing are increasingly more granular. At McLaren racing, the difference between finishing a race in the top five positions could be as little as 0.15%. The competition is so fierce that the disparity between...

Thursday, 24 March 2022

A Giant Leap Forward for Digital Manufacturing

Digital manufacturing workloads, such as computer-aided engineering (CAE), can require serious compute power. Dell Validated Designs for HPC Digital Manufacturing, powered by AMD EPYC™ processors, are already designed to deliver fast performance and easy scaling with modular building blocks. Now, new technologies from AMD promise to accelerate these...

Wednesday, 23 March 2022

Rethinking Recycling

Did you know the estimated amount of worldwide e-waste in 2021 outweighed the Great Wall of China? Alarming statistic, right? These are the types of data points that inspire me to continue to create programs that move people from passive concern to taking action to improve our planet.What...

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

AI and Machine Learning: The Present and the Future

We have heard the adage “data is the new oil.” Data has become one of the most critical assets to enterprises globally. Digitalization of organizations has opened up a new horizon in customer outreach, customer services and customer interactions. Every interaction with a customer is now a data...

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Accelerating Open RAN Performance

Achieving performance parity with Open RANThe industry generally agrees that today’s traditional RAN systems need to evolve. With the exponential increase in wireless traffic and edge computing application expected with 5G, building out scalable, flexible, and cost-efficient radio networks will be critical to the future success of communication...

Saturday, 19 March 2022

Service Delivery in a Framework

Helping the customer by maintaining and optimizing IT infrastructure is not a heroic act of a single trusted advisor. Although in a unique relationship, this might seem the case, the services delivered are often based upon a set of customer experiences.To ensure best practices are duplicable, companies gather...

Friday, 18 March 2022

Driving Digital Inclusion Through Technology, Empathy and Partnerships

Empathy must be the thread that connects innovation and technology. The strength of an organization or society is reflected in the opportunities it creates for the underserved, those who are overlooked and can easily be excluded. It was this idea which led to a Dell Technologies program to...

Thursday, 17 March 2022

Finding Our DevOps North Star

This is a continuation of a series of blogs about how Dell IT is Cracking the Code for a World-class Developer Experience.Being able to develop, deploy and maintain high-quality and secure software at the speed that business demands is essential to today’s modern IT operations. As part of...

Wednesday, 16 March 2022

5G Core: Your Best Bet for the Future

Digital transformation is a popular buzzword that has entered the lexicon of the telecommunications industry, but what does it really mean for communications service providers (CSPs)? What we’re seeing in the industry isn’t so much a single transformation as a series of transformational trends around convergence, diversification and...

Tuesday, 15 March 2022

Break Down Silos at the Edge

Today, the rise of 5G, smart devices, Internet of things (IoT) and high‑speed connectivity are creating a data deluge. Many industries such as manufacturing, retail and oil and gas are learning to harness that deluge by using edge computing to help them act on data near its point...

Sunday, 13 March 2022

Is Your Industry Ready for Edge?

In my role as an advisor on Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities, I often get asked “What trends will shape my industry in the next five years?” The answer is applicable to every industry — data and your ability to create a competitive edge from that...

Thursday, 10 March 2022

Container Adoption Trends: Why, How and Where

Application containerization—packaging software to create a lightweight, portable, consistent executable—delivers technical and business advantages over conventional delivery methods. Containerized apps are quickly deployable for easy scaling, run in diverse environments and offer security advantages thanks to their isolation from other software. In combination with orchestration software such as...

Tuesday, 8 March 2022

Transforming Dell’s Digital Spaces to Better Serve Humans

Whether customers are buying a single personal PC or upgrading to storage-as-a-service across their IT organization, a modern, clean digital design, consistent look and feel and easy navigation are essential to how they feel about the experience, the product and your company. At Dell Digital, Dell’s IT organization,...

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