DEA-5TT2: Dell EMC Networking Associate

DEA-5TT2: Dell EMC Networking Associate

This exam is a qualifying exam for the Associate - Networking track.

This exam focuses on basic Networking foundational skills and portfolio introduction.

Dell Technologies provides free practice tests to assess your knowledge in preparation for the exam. Practice tests allow you to become familiar with the topics and question types you will find on the proctored exam. Your results on a practice test offer one indication of how prepared you are for the proctored exam and can highlight topics on which you need to study and train further. A passing score on the practice test does not guarantee a passing score on the certification exam.

Dell EMC Networking Associate Exam Summary:

Exam Name Dell EMC Certified Associate - Networking
Exam Code   DEA-5TT2
Exam Price   $230 (USD)
Duration 90 mins
Number of Questions  60
Passing Score  60%
Books / Training Dell Networking Concepts and Features v2 (ESNETD03880)
Dell Networking Concepts and Features v2 (ESNETS03879)
Sample Questions Dell EMC Networking Associate Sample Questions
Practice Exam Dell EMC DEA-5TT2 Certification Practice Exam

Dell EMC DEA-5TT2 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Topic Details Weights
Network Essentials - Explain the purpose and function of network devices such as switches and routers
- Distinguish between interface and cabling options (Copper, Fibre, Breakout)
- Configure and verify the initial configuration steps for a switch
Ethernet Technologies - Describe how Ethernet addressing and framing operates (Source learning, Mac address tables)
- Describe the operation and behavior of LLDP, VLANs, STP, LAG (Link Layer Discovery Protocol, Virtual LANs, Spanning-Tree Protocol, Link Aggregation Group)
- Identify the CLI commands to configure and verify LLDP, VLANs, STP, LAG (Link Layer Discovery Protocol, Virtual LANs, Spanning-Tree Protocol, Link Aggregation Group)
- Configure and verify common storage networking features (flow control, MTU, Portfast)
IP Networking - Identify the differences between private and public IP addressing
- Configure and verify the operation of IPv4 addressing (IP address ranges, subnetting, analyze routing table entries)
- Describe the IPv6 address format and types of IPv6 address
- Explain the forwarding logic used by Layer 3 capable devices
- Identify the differences between static and dynamic routing (connected, static, default routes)
Network Services - Identify the CLI commands to configure and verify the operation of DHCP
- Describe the operation and behavior of the NTP service
- Identify the CLI commands to configure and verify the operation of NTP
Security Essentials - Describe the options for securing access to a network switch (best practices for interface configuration, VLAN settings, securing spanning tree etc.)
- Configure and verify local authentication
- Configure and verify ACLs (Access Control Lists)
Network Operations - Identify the CLI commands to transfer files to/from switches
- Troubleshoot common connectivity problems (link down, VLAN access, IP reachability, Blocked ports)
- Outline the recommended steps during a switch OS upgrade (OS10 update)
- Identify the CLI commands to enable a switch for SNMP monitoring
Automation - Explain the role and advantages of using Smart Fabric Services
- Configure and verify the enablement of Smart Fabric Services


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