Saturday 24 August 2024

For CSPs, the Chatbot Discussion Heats Up Around AI

For CSPs, the Chatbot Discussion Heats Up Around AI

Let’s talk about chatbots for a moment. We’ve all used them before and, by now, most of us have accepted their limitations as the lesser of two evils (the greater evil being stuck in an endless IVR loop). Many users report at least some level of satisfaction with chatbots, particularly when handling common issues such as password resets, basic account information and other frequently asked questions. Yet the fact remains that traditional chatbots struggle with replicating a human interactive experience when the conversation goes off script. In those cases, it’s often necessary to call in the live troops to resolve a customer’s issue.

And that would be the end of our conversation about chatbots, except for the disruptive potential that AI brings to the discussion.

AI-powered chat agents have the potential to take automated customer service to another level. The ability to apply dynamic, human-like intelligence and real-time machine learning to customer experiences (CX) is what every chatbot has always dreamed of being. It is not, however, just a simple matter of bolting AI onto your existing chatbot app and waiting for better outcomes. There’s a lot of business process integration and customization around industry-specific large language models (LLMs) that need to take place before a chatbot becomes an AI chat agent. Fortunately, that work is being done right now in an industry that can desperately use it: telecommunications.

Dialing Up AI for better Customer Experiences

Dell Technologies is honored to be part of an initiative led by SK Telecom to develop an AI chat agent application for communications service providers (CSPs). In addition to SK Telecom, which is developing the application, there is a critical middleware component being developed by Compax (on the business integration side) and Matrixx Software (on the billing integration side) to bring everything together. Dell’s contributions center on three solution aspects: the cloud foundation for the application (via Dell Telecom Infrastructure Blocks), the underlying AI infrastructure (via Dell and Nvidia’s AI Factory) and the multivendor solution integration and validation, which is being hosted in Dell’s Open Telecommunications Ecosystem Lab (OTEL).

Part of the challenge of building an LLM-based AI chat agent for CSPs is the language itself. Telecommunications has its own set of industry-specific terms, from roaming fees to family plans. SK Telecom is currently building a customized LLM for CSPs that is capable of understanding the nuances of telco terminology. Beyond that, there is the challenge of integrating these conversations with back-office and billing systems that are often highly complex and, in some cases, have been in place for decades. And, finally, the entire solution needs to be deployed in a cloud-native architecture featuring AI-ready infrastructure. It’s these individual components that brought SK Telecom, Dell, Compax and Matrixx together, with Dell’s OTEL being the logical place to integrate and validate the entire solution.

Once completed, SK Telecom plans to roll the solution out to other CSPs around the world. For an industry that thrives on communication, AI chat agents are a potential game changer for telcos. Imagine, for example, being able to get real-time recommendations on plan changes and shop for new devices with an intelligent shopping assistant. Or get AI advice on choosing the best roaming plan right before you leave for your European vacation. These are the kinds of complex tasks that AI chat agents can perform and—here’s the key—get better at over time by learning your preferences. Even human agents often struggle to connect on that kind of personal level.

We’ve come a long way from switchboard operators, and the best is yet to come. Want to talk about developing your AI app for telecommunications? Talk to Dell or check out more on the AI Chat Agent we are working on with SK Telecom. We’re here to keep the AI conversation moving forward.


Saturday 10 August 2024

Dell Technologies at Black Hat 2024

Dell Technologies at Black Hat 2024

Dell Technologies is thrilled to announce our participation in Black Hat USA 2024, the premier global information security event, August 7 and 8 at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. As a leader in cybersecurity solutions, Dell takes security very seriously. We embed security capabilities into every solution we build and are dedicated to empowering organizations to defend against ever-evolving cyber threats. This year, we are excited to showcase our security strategy aimed at helping customers to reduce the attack surface, enhance threat detection and response and ensure swift recovery from cyber incidents.

Reducing the Attack Surface

In today’s digital landscape, reducing the attack surface is a critical component of an organization’s cybersecurity strategy. With the proliferation of devices, applications and networks, the potential entry points for attackers have increased exponentially. Dell’s solutions are designed to minimize these vulnerabilities through robust endpoint protection, secure access controls and advanced threat prevention mechanisms.

Endpoint Protection: Dell has the world’s most secure commercial PCs, and our endpoint security solutions provide multiple layers of defense, including anti-malware, intrusion prevention and application control. By securing endpoints, we help prevent attackers from gaining a foothold in your network.

Secure Access Controls: Implementing strong access controls is essential to limit unauthorized access. Dell’s identity and access management (IAM) solutions ensure that only authorized users can access critical systems and data, significantly reducing the risk of breaches.

Threat Prevention: Utilizing advanced threat prevention technologies, Dell’s solutions help to detect and block malicious activities before they can cause harm. This includes real-time threat intelligence, machine learning-based anomaly detection and behavior analysis.

Detection and Response to Cyber Threats: Despite best efforts to reduce the attack surface, some threats inevitably penetrate defenses. Rapid detection and response are crucial for mitigating the impact of these breaches. Dell’s integrated detection and response solutions provide organizations with the tools they need to quickly identify and neutralize threats.

Advanced Threat Detection: Leveraging AI/ML, threat detection systems can identify sophisticated attacks that traditional security measures may miss. By continuously analyzing network traffic, user behavior and system activity, we help detect anomalies that could indicate a breach.

Incident Response: When a threat is detected, swift action is necessary to contain and eliminate it. Dell’s incident response services offer immediate support from our team of cybersecurity experts. We work closely with your organization to investigate incidents, mitigate damage and restore normal operations.

Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Our SIEM solutions aggregate and analyze security events from across your network, providing comprehensive visibility into potential threats. This centralized approach allows for faster detection and more effective response to security incidents.

Recovering from Cyber Attacks: While prevention and detection are vital, organizations must also be prepared to recover from cyberattacks. Dell’s recovery solutions ensure that your business can quickly bounce back from disruptions, minimizing downtime and data loss.

Data Backup and Recovery: Regular data backups are essential for protecting against data loss. Dell’s backup solutions offer automated, secure backups that can be quickly restored in the event of an attack. Our solutions support a variety of environments, including on-premises, cloud and hybrid setups.

Disaster Recovery Planning: Having a robust disaster recovery plan in place is crucial for ensuring business continuity. Dell’s experts can help you develop and implement a comprehensive disaster recovery strategy tailored to your organization’s needs. This includes risk assessments, recovery objectives, and regular testing to ensure readiness.

Incident Recovery Retainer: Our Incident Recovery Retainer service provides organizations with pre-defined hours of recovery assistance, ensuring that expert help is available when you need it most. This proactive approach not only helps with immediate recovery efforts but also strengthens your overall resilience against future attacks.

We invite you to visit Dell Technologies next week at Booth 2168 during Black Hat 2024 – August 7 and 8 – to learn more about our cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions. Our team of experts will be on hand to provide live demonstrations, answer your questions and discuss how we can help your organization achieve a robust security posture.

In addition to our booth activities, Dell will be hosting a series of informative sessions and workshops on key cybersecurity topics. These sessions will cover best practices for reducing the attack surface, effective threat detection and response strategies and how to ensure swift recovery from cyber incidents. Don’t miss the opportunity to gain valuable insights from industry leaders and network with other cybersecurity professionals.

Black Hat 2024 promises to be an exciting event and we look forward to sharing our latest innovations with you. Together, we can build a safer, more secure digital world.
