Sunday, 29 August 2021

Experience the Power of APEX Data Storage Services

APEX Data Storage Services is proven to drive immense value for our customers and Dell Technologies is now making it even easier for you to get started.APEX Data Storage Services Online Pricing CalculatorA key tenet of APEX Data Storage Services is transparent pricing. As procurement evolves and buying...

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Increasing Development Velocity with Self-Service IT

In IT, it’s understood that users, particularly developers, don’t like to wait to get the infrastructure they need. Dell Digital, Dell’s IT organization, has an internal cloud service portfolio to ensure they don’t have to.We call it our Dell Digital Cloud—a centralized self-service, marketplace for internal business partners,...

Thursday, 26 August 2021

They Laughed When We Said Hybrid

Central Texas is a long way from Wall Street and from Silicon Valley – about 1700 miles from both. And being headquartered here, sitting smack in the middle, has helped Dell Technologies to defy the conventional wisdom of those markets. Why is that a good thing? Because conventional...

Thursday, 19 August 2021

End-to-End AI is Within Reach — Are You Ready?

For today’s digitally driven enterprises, artificial intelligence applications are growing in importance. Many forward-looking enterprises are now rolling out or laying the groundwork for AI-driven applications that automate and enhance business processes and services. And the future promises to bring much more of the same.For IT and business...

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Digital Cities of the Future

While the advent of emerging technologies brings tumultuous change to rural living and work, it also carries a sense of hope – aspirations of better living. These combined forces are fueling the migration towards cities. This change is taking place globally, with Asia and Africa seeing the most...

Monday, 16 August 2021

Shattering Bottlenecks with GPU Acceleration in Cloudera Data Platform

In today’s enterprises, data flows like water cascading down a mountain river in the spring. Massive amounts of data continually stream into edge, core and cloud systems, creating both challenges and opportunities for IT and business leaders.On the challenges side, IT administrators need to capture, curate and store...

Sunday, 15 August 2021

Bringing Together the Open RAN Ecosystem

There is little doubt that communication service providers (CSPs) will need to extend and increase their RAN capacity to accommodate new 5G services. CSPs are using their 5G buildouts as an opportunity to move away from legacy, proprietary RAN technology to an Open RAN architecture. Current legacy RAN...

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Fuel Azure Hybrid Cloud With a Validated Infrastructure

When it comes to cloud strategies, a hybrid cloud approach makes it possible to select the optimal location for your data. However, when data is spread across the edge, private, public, and multi-cloud environments, management can become complex. For many customers, the questions usually start with where do...

Friday, 13 August 2021

APEX Lets Dell IT Tackle Higher Value Needs

Using IT-as-a-Service instead of building and managing your organization’s own IT infrastructure is like moving from being a plumber to being an interior designer. Instead of spending energy making sure the pipes don’t leak and the faucets don’t drip, you can focus on creating an overall space that...

Thursday, 12 August 2021

Unlocking the Digital Transformation of Public Sector and Services

With Covid-19 vaccination programs underway and fiscal relief and furlough measures winding down, the focus of international governments is gradually turning from short-term recovery to laying the foundations for sustainable long-term growth. Policymakers are now confronted with strategic choices on how to ensure a fair, equitable and connected...

Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Arizona State University Gives Minutes Back to Science

Scientific research has long been a core part of the mission of Arizona State University. Today, the university holds the distinction of being one of the fastest-growing research institutions in the United States. Since 2002, the school’s annual research expenditures have more than quintupled, topping $600 million, and...

Sunday, 8 August 2021

Helping Your Data Scientists Make You Smarter, Faster

When IT launched an Enterprise Data Science platform in 2020 to help data scientists build artificial intelligence (AI) and machine-learning-driven processes (ML) at Dell, a key challenge was whether the 1,800 team members already engaged in data science across the company would adopt it.With platform use up by...

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