Saturday, 28 April 2018

Power as Big as Your Ideas

The family that brought you the world’s smallest, the world’s thinnest and lightest, the world’s most manageable, the world’s most powerful AND the world’s first Ready for VR mobile workstations is at it again, this time with faster memory, professional-grade graphics and the latest 8th Gen Intel® Core™...

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Dell OptiPlex Celebrates Anniversary with All-New, Space-Saving Solutions

This year marks the 25th anniversary of desktop innovation. During that time, the world’s most secure commercial PCs have continuously redefined “less is more” with revolutionary form factors that deliver increased elbowroom while providing reliable, intelligent performance and flexibility that allow users to truly work the way they...

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Dell EMC PowerEdge Tops Big Data Analysis Systems Benchmark

Dell EMC Re-takes Performance Lead on TPCx-Big Bench Benchmark at Scale Factor 10000 Using 14G Hardware Platform Computer benchmarking is the practice of discovering, measuring and assessing the relative performance of a system for a specific workload. Industry standard benchmarks allow researchers to compare the best performance being...

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Boosting Business Agility, Eliminating Bottlenecks with 25GbE

Networks are the modern data center’s foundation. Rapid information growth and evolving applications require real-time responses. This has led businesses of all sizes to build up their corporate data centers by including a growing number of modern compute and storage platforms. These modern data centers require high-performance interconnections...

Thursday, 19 April 2018

Teraflops and Engineering Your Way to Artificial Intelligence Scale

Often I talk to customers who are in a journey to implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in their organization. I wrote about some best practices around Deep Learning. In this blog, I am going to get more prescriptive about how you would and probably should explore “Scaling AI” inside...

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

More Secure Software for a Safer Digital Transformation

Many cyberattacks can be linked to a software vulnerability exploited by attackers seeking to gain unauthorized access to targeted organizations’ systems or applications. The digital transformation which brings more software to smart connected devices, also creates more opportunities for attackers to exploit vulnerabilities. We all have a role...

Sunday, 15 April 2018

Powerfully Simple: Modern Management for Dell EMC Data Protection

Visibility across Dell EMC Data Protection Software and protection storage brings simplicity. Dell EMC is announcing modern, simple management for Dell EMC Data Protection. This modern management enables users to gain control over their data protection through: ◈ Complete visibility via customizable dashboards ◈ Unified management across multiple sites...

Friday, 13 April 2018

Cyber Recovery: One Cyber Threat Many CISOs Might Overlook

Most CISOs you meet will assume that with the best-of-breed elements of their layered, defense-in-depth cyber protections all in place and updated, they might rest easy. But they may likely have overlooked proper protections for their premise-based, backup-and-recovery data. That oversight can be a big risk for them...

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

Dell EMC CI Life Cycle Assurance Update: New RCM Portal

Dell EMC set the standard of Life Cycle Assurance for IT Transformation way back in 2009 with the release of the original Vblock.  With the Vblock, we created the converged infrastructure (CI) category with the basic premise to simplify IT. Later we extended IT simplification with our hyper-converged...

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Data Protection is More Than an Insurance Policy – It’s an AI Must-Have

Data is king In a world reshaped by digital transformation, data has become an integral piece of the decision-making process within an organization. All business models today are built around data, enabling leaders to make big decisions to increase revenue, decrease cost, and reduce risk. However, too often...

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

Fasten Your Seatbelt Networking Industry!

I couldn’t be more jazzed about all the news and buzz in the Networking industry. And much of it was happening at last week’s Linux Foundation Open Networking Summit in Los Angeles. Packed keynotes and vibrant conversations characterized the event, as the industry’s collective vision of Open Networking...

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